
花意瑶下班后我们相约吃夜宵,坐地铁到餐馆,吃地锅鸡。本集内容为:花意瑶说她赤脚多了,脚板起茧了,说甚至可以踩灭烟头,我立马拿出一包华子(香烟)点上。。。。。最后我损失了半包华子(香烟)。。。23分钟视频。After work, Fanfan and I met for supper. We took the subway to the restaurant and had DiPan Chicken. Fanfan said she was much going barefoot, foot cocoon, she even can step out cigarette butts, I immediately took out a pack of cigarette……..In the end I lost half of my cigarettes……Video is 25 minutes.
